About the Artist
Hi! My name is Dai Delatte. I am the 18 year old artist (and founder of Miss Ji). I am a multi-media conceptualism artist. I do not label myself to one medium or genre because I am still learning and evolving as an artist. The majority of my work is matte acrylic on canvas. My work is inspired by trauma, pain, life experiences, and culture. I create masterpieces for the viewer to not only see what I create but to be engrossed in the deeper meaning behind it. I have been creating since about the age of 5. As my love for art grew, as did my desire to help others feel their best and conquer their issues. In the year 2021 I decided it was time for me to combine my artistic talents and my passion to help others, henceforth Miss Ji evolved.
About Us
Not another art company.
Art is a lifestyle. Miss Ji has cultivated a new wave. C.P.O is the way Miss Ji encourages us all to live:
Be Creative
Think Positive
Live with Optimism
Miss Ji does not sell products we innovate experiences.
Miss Ji uses art to help those around the world express themselves and face issues they attempt to deny they have.
Through art Miss Ji is changing lives and improving mental and overall health.
The average person has roughly 70,000 thoughts per day and 90% are the same day in and day out. 80% of those are negative.
Miss Ji plans to cultivate those thoughts into new ideas and neural pathways of positivity.
Art has been a proven producer of dopamine, seratonin, and new ways of thinking.
Just because you are not diagnosed with a mental health issue, does not mean you do not need mental health attention.
Start living your best life with an experience by Miss Ji today.
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